Friday 21 September 2012

AQ’s Seungho working on a six pack? XD

Most of MBLAQ is know for having amazing bodies and now it looks like fans will soon be able to see all of them in perfect shape.
Lee JoonG.O and Cheondoong, have previously revealed their abs to the public, while it is known that maknae Mir as well as leader Seungho are not as fit as their group mates. However, during the past months Mir has showed he is working hard on his body and he isn’t the only one.
A picture of Seungho was recently shared on Twitter of him training at the gym and showing off his arm muscles. In the past the leader mentioned that even though he tried to exercise he always wound up giving up, but this time he is confident about showing a new side of him.
The picture posted above was shared through team ATeamAJ’s Twitter accompanied by the message “Anticipate Seung Ho’s new hot body.
What do think about possibly seeing Seung Ho with a six pack?

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