Monday 24 September 2012

Comedian Kim Kyung Jin says, “I love Miss A’s Suzy”

Comedian Kim Kyung Jin is secretly in love with Miss A’s Suzy.
Kim recently attracted a lot of attention with a parody of the TV commercial of Kim Soo Hyun and Suzy.
Kim confessed his love to Suzy on MBC TV’s Idol Star Track and Field Championships early this year. However, Suzy rejected him.
Kim is again confessing his love to Suzy through the parody video. Making a parody of a TV commercial for an outdoor brand, in which Suzy and Kim Soo Hyun appear, Kim persistently confesses his love to Suzy, interrupting Suzy and Kim Soo Hyun’s date.
In the video, Kim prepares sashimi for Suzy while she is enjoying finishing and sings a serenade for her. He also prepares a necklace for her.
People responded: “I guess Kim Kyung Jin really likes Suzy.” “Kim Kyung Jin is so brave!” “I hope Suzy falls in love with Kim Kyung Jin.”
The parody video is currently receiving a lot of hits on YouTube.

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