Friday 21 September 2012

MBLAQ’s Mir Is Said To be The Worst Member In The Group

Mblaq invited their closest friends on Friday’s episode of ‘Idol Manager‘, in that episode Mir’s friend voted him to be #5 among the 5 members.
The show went from showing their abs, to telling stories about the idol’s their childhood.
Also attending was a close friend of Mir, when Park Kyung Lim asked, “What was it like to see your friend famous and on TV?” The friend of Mir replied, “He’s bad at singing, dancing and I think he’s the ugliest in the band.” But he didn’t stop there he still had more to say about his friend, “Chul Yong is always last. Face is last, singing last, rap is last and everything is last.” He turned out to be the hidden card of the episode and left the cast and crew laughing.
Well I couldn’t disagree with him more, since when is Mir’s face not handsome? and he isn’t a bad rapper and he’s cute and funny, that’s what I think, what do you think? :')

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