Sunday 23 September 2012

[WEIBO] 120922 - EXO-M's Official Updates

我们所得到的荣誉离不开你们的支持和守护。在我心里你们就是天使一样的存在。谢谢!!!! 我喜欢你们。(From EXO-M, KRIS)
The honour that we’ve received will not leave the support and protection that you’ve given us. In my heart, you have the presence of an angel. Thank you!!!! I love you all. (From EXO-M, KRIS)
팬 여러분의 열정적인 응원과 사랑 덕분에 이번 음악풍운방 시상식에서 EXO-M이 올해의 최고 인기 그룹상을 받게 되었습니다. 시상식에 EXO-K 멤버들이 응원해 주기 위해 중국까지 와 주어서 너무 고마웠습니다 ^^ (From EXO-M, XIU MIN)
Thanks to all of our fans passionate support and love, EXO-M receiver the award of this year’s most popular group at the Music Billboard Chart’s award ceremony. I was very thankful EXO-K’s members came all the way to China to support us ^^ (From EXO-M, XIU MIN)
저희에게 이런 큰 상을 주신 팬 여러분께 진심으로 감사 드립니다. 앞으로 더욱 열심히 하는 시우민 되겠습니다! 여러분 사랑해요~ (From EXO-M, XIU MIN)
I’m sincerely thankful to you all, fans, who gave us this big award. I will become Xiumin who continues to work even harder! I love you everyone~ (From EXO-M, XIU MIN)
这次能够获得这个新人奖真的很感动, 我们以后为你们会更加努力的!!! 我爱你们~~~ (From EXO-M, LU HAN)
This time, to be able to receive this rookie award, I’m really touched; We’ll continue to work even harder for you in the future!!! I love you all~~~ (From EXO-M, LU HAN.)
没有我们的歌迷,这个奖不属于我们。这个奖来得太意外,太突然,太惊喜,太感动。希望能和你们一起分享我们的快乐!谢谢你们,让我们拿到这个。。一辈子只有一次的奖,也谢谢所有观众对我们的认可。我爱你们~!我们会以此作为新的起点,努力加油的!希望大家一如继往的支持我们~! (From EXO-M, LAY)
Without our fans, this award would not belong to us. This award came too abruptly, too suddenly, too surprisingly, too touching. I hope to be able to share our joy with you all! Thank you all, for allowing us to receive this… The award that you can only get it once in your lifetime, I’m also thankful to the verification that all the audience have given us. I love you all~! We’ll take this as a new starting point and continue to work hard! I hope that everyone can continue to support us~! (From EXO-M, LAY)
먼저 팬 여러분께 어떻게 감사의 표현을 해야 할 지 모르겠어요. 여러분 덕분에 저희가 큰 상을 받을 수 있었다고 생각합니다. 앞으로 더 열심히 하는 EXO-M의 첸이 될 테니 지켜봐 주세요. 사랑해요 여러분~!! (From EXO-M, CHEN)
Firstly, I don’t know how to express how thankful I am to all of our fans. I think that we were able to receive this award thanks to all of you. Keep on watching over me as I’ll become EXO-M’s Chen who will continue to work even harder. I love you everyone~!! (From EXO-M, CHEN)
亲爱的天使们,你们好~ 9月17号最受欢迎奖公布的那一瞬间,我真的觉得我的努力没有白费。没有让你们失望。谢谢你们,永远爱你们~!! (From EXO-M,TAO)
My beloved angels, hello~ At that moment, on the 17th September, where it was announced that we won the Most Popular Group award, I really felt that all my hard work was not put to waste. I didn’t disappoint you all. Thank you, I’ll love you all forever~!! (From EXO-M, TAO)
source cr; exom’s official weibo
trans cr; hyerin @exom-trans + emilie @exok-trans

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